Попробуйте войти под другой учетной записью.
[EN]In case you do not find your database when you logged in using Google, then you probably signed up under a different Google account — there’s a separate cabinet with databases for each account.
Try logging in using another account.
Если вы создавали базу из личного кабинета, то вы можете получить пароль от неё, введя имя базы в поле имени пользователя — он совпадают — и сбросить свой пароль (он придёт на почту).
[EN]Upon registration, an email was sent to you with a link to your database. Try to find it in your mail and log in with the given password.
If you created a database from your cabinet, then you can get its password by entering the name of the database in the username field — they do match — and reset your password (you will receive it by email).